2-Day Morning
Tuesday, Friday 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
*For children turning 3 years old by September 30

The 2-day morning class is designed primarily for 3-year-old children, and introduces them to the basic, foundational skills necessary for school. We focus on hands on activities and working with other children in a group setting. Each child has several “special” days throughout the school year when they get to bring a snack, have special privileges for the day, and can be joined by a parent, grandparent, or other special adult.
3-Day Morning
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
*For children turning 4 years old by September 30

The 3-day amorning class is designed primarily for 4-year-old children, but is also open to 5-year-olds with late summer birthdays that aren’t quite ready for kindergarten. This class builds on the basic skills introduced in the 2-day class, and give the children a chance to develop independence and group participation in a preschool classroom environment. Depending on the character and makeup of a class, field trips are sometimes incorporatedq to destinations related to themes introduced in class. Previous destinations have included a creamery, city parks, and a grocery store. A child’s special day in these classes also includes an opportunity for show-and-tell.